برند زمرد نور
برند زمرد نور

Rose gold

The rose gold color of the decorative lamp body is one of the popular and high-quality colors of the Zomorod Noor brand. It creates a very beautiful combination with the interior decoration and exterior of buildings.

The rose gold color used in these products is very high quality and resistant to various weather conditions.

The Zomorod Noor factory has an automatic electrostatic powder coating line and is equipped with robots and advanced digital controls.

With this system, the thickness of the paint on all surfaces of the parts is the same, and then these parts are continuously entered into furnaces with a uniform temperature to be powder coated at the set time and temperature.

Please place an order on this website to purchase a lamp with a rose gold body color and contact the available support numbers for advice.

Zomorod Noor is the first and largest manufacturer of decorative, burial and area lights in Iran

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دسته بندی محصولات

رنگ بدنه

رنگ نور

(IP) درجه حفاظت

توان چراغ (وات)

تعداد لامپ/ماژول

مدت گارانتی

منبع نور

شارنوری چراغ (لومن)


جنس بدنه

پخش نور

گردونه شانس
گردونه شانس رو امتحان کن
کدهای تخفیف 5 تا 20 درصدی
دریافت کد تخفیف

ارسال رایگان

با ثبت سفارش بالای دو میلیون تومان در سایت زمرد نور

ارسال رایگان
تماس مستقیم 09912204043

تحویل در کمترین زمان


هفت روز هفته ، 24 ساعته


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