برند زمرد نور
برند زمرد نور

Zomorod Noor Product Categories

See a new generation of lighting tools in the Zomorod Noor product category.

These lights come in various geometric shapes and beautiful appearance, to provide light and enhance the environment and are considered the most important part of modern design.

Zomorod Noor product category is divided into two groups with IP and without IP for use in the exterior and interior of buildings.

If the light needs to be placed in a humid environment, the IP model of these products should be used.

And if the light is used indoors and inside the building, the non-IP model can be used.

Zomorod Noor Company is a large manufacturer of lighting products in Iran. And it is always trying to create new, modern and quality designs.

You can place an order to buy lights on this site or contact the company’s sales unit for advice.

Zomorod Noor is a leader in the country’s lighting industry

Showing 1–7 of 283 results

دسته بندی محصولات

رنگ بدنه

رنگ نور

(IP) درجه حفاظت

توان چراغ (وات)

تعداد لامپ/ماژول

مدت گارانتی

منبع نور

شارنوری چراغ (لومن)


جنس بدنه

پخش نور

گردونه شانس
گردونه شانس رو امتحان کن
کدهای تخفیف 5 تا 20 درصدی
دریافت کد تخفیف

ارسال رایگان

با ثبت سفارش بالای دو میلیون تومان در سایت زمرد نور

ارسال رایگان
تماس مستقیم 09912204043

تحویل در کمترین زمان


هفت روز هفته ، 24 ساعته


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